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10 Best Strength Training Blogs

Clients come to me for results. They don't care what blogs I read or what certifications I have.

But I felt compelled to share my Top 10 Strength Training Blogs for a few reasons:

1- These blogs are awesome and inspiring.

2- I feel it's my duty to share anything that will benefit you.

3- These guys changed my life, and maybe they will change yours?

With that said, these are my choices for the 10 Best Strength Training Blogs.

I picked them because each one has been a huge influence on me since I discovered strength training.

I'll list each blog/author with a link to his site. They all have books, which I encourage you to read.

They are ordered by when I discovered them.

1. Jim Wendler (531)

I think I first came across Wendler on a forum called "Stronglifts" where I logged my training.

Wendler wrote the book "531: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System for Raw Strength".

I recommend you read it. Even if you don't want to be a powerlifter.

He has a no b.s. attitude and gets straight to the point.

He always gets me fired up to push myself harder.  

His program is simple and effective. In my mind, it's what strength training is all about.

Wendler is the real deal as far as I'm concerned. Anything he writes will make you better, stronger.

Not to mention, he squatted 1,000 lbs. during his powerlifting career.

His website is JIM WENDLER  


2. Dan John

Another straight-shooter who gets right to the point, Dan John has written many books on strength training and fitness.

I had great success with one of his programs called "Easy Strength" which is also a book by the same name.

Dan John is an innovator with some exercises he came up with like the"Goblet Squat" and "Batwing Row".  He's also really funny and his writing is entertaining as well as informative.

He's the only strength coach I've read who tells you to floss every day, and take your fiber supplement. 

You can learn a TON by reading his articles on his website and around the web. He's been featured on Tnation and many other popular fitness websites.

His website is Dan John


3. James Steel

The first time I came across Steel's writing was an article called "The Truth". It was posted on the Starting Strength website.

His words hit me hard. In the gut. The heart. And between the eyes.

After that, I looked him up and started reading as much as I could.

Steel is another NO BS, right to the point, kind of guy. (sense a pattern here?)

He writes about strength training, his black labs (one is 'Bas' who he named his website after) and has a ton of great stories.

If his writing doesn't get you excited to get stronger, then you may as well give it up!

His website is BAS BARBELL


4. Brooks Kubik

The creator of "Dinosaur Training", this guy is a legend in the world of strength training.

Like the previous three guys, Kubik gets right to the point. The basics work. They have always worked best, and always will.

Most of his writing is geared towards the "older lifter". Guys and gals in their 40's and beyond.

If you think you're too old to lift weights, think again. Kubik wrote a book on the topic called "Gray Hair and Black Iron".

Highly recommend any of his products and his articles.

His website is Dinosaur Training


5. Dave Draper

This legend of muscle and fitness is the creator of the "Top Squat". A device for lifters that can't squat with a barbell on the back due to shoulder injuries.

His weekly newsletter is one of my favorites. I look forward to it every week.

Draper has wit and wisdom. He has a way with words that is poetic, about a topic (iron and muscle) that is not associated with the fine arts.

He has great stories to share from his days in the golden era of bodybuilding. He was Mr. America, Mr. World, and Mr. Universe.

Sign up for his newsletter. You will look forward to it each week, I'm sure.

His website is Dave Draper


6. Zach Even-Esh

Strong mind, strong body, strong life...

That's the headline on Zach's website.

He lives and breathes strength. The man is very passionate and his drive is contagious.

Whenever I read one of his newsletters, watch his video or see a post, I can't help but get fired up.

He has that fire inside that can light you up.

Zach was one of the first guys to start "Underground Strength Gyms". Along with Jay Ferruggia and Joe Defranco, Elliott Hulse.

Just like the previous five guys, Zach gets straight to the point. No BS. Just work hard on the basics and "stand for something or fall for anything."

His website is Zach Even-Esh


7. Ross Enamait

Ross is a trainer and coach of athletes. His specialty is training boxers but he has experience training all kinds of athletes.

His writing is clear and to the point. Some of his most powerful articles are listed on his website under "Popular Entries".

My personal favorites are "Originality is Overrated", "Rooted in the Fundamentals", and "The Lack of Time Excuse".

This man knows what it takes to get people better. The great thing is he knows each person is unique and will require a different approach and program.

Ross also has some really cool videos of training in the snow running hills and doing pullups on tree limbs.

Like all the best strength coaches, he tells you to find a way, not an excuse.

His website is Ross Enamait


8. Jason Ferruggia

Way back when there was no internet, there were muscle-magazines. That's where I first read Jason Ferruggia.

Eventually I found him online. Once I did, I devoured the info.

He has a ton of tips on his blog to help guys build muscle, burn fat, improve as an athlete and as a man.

His diet- The Renegade Diet, is a simple way to get lean and not have to eat like a typical bodybuilder.

I think he was the one who introduced me to "finishers". Damn you Jay! They suck, but work oh so well..

His website is Jason Ferruggia


9. Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe

Mark Rippetoe is the author of "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training" and creator of the Starting Strength Program.

This program focuses on a select few exercises- Squat, Press, Deadlift, Bench, Clean. The goal is to add weight to the bar each session for as long as possible.

This book can change your life. No matter your age, you can do the barbell exercises and get stronger.

The Starting Strength website is not a blog. It's a website where you can find a ton of info, including blog posts, podcasts, videos, books, seminars.

Rippetoe has been a huge influence on the world of strength and fitness.

His approach is simple and direct. Get you stronger with the barbell and no fluff.

His website is Starting Strength


10. Bill Starr

I saved Mr. Bill Starr (RIP) for last because he never had a blog. But his impact on the strength training world has been immense.

His writings were featured in Iron Man Magazine, Crossfit Journal, Starting Strength, among many others.

Bill Starr wrote the classic "The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football" which is still one of the BEST books on the topic.

You can find his articles scattered across the internet, many of them on the Starting Strength website.

His writing often incorporates stories, along with powerful information on training, nutrition, supplements, rehabbing injuries etc..

I think it's safe to say that Starr was a major influence on most of the guys listed above.

He paved the way for guys like Jason Ferruggia, Zach Even-Esh, James Steel.

Starr's spirit lives on through these men, and many others. Many of his ideas were way ahead of his time.

Like the other guys on this list, Starr was a no BS kinda guy. No fluff. Get stronger with the basics.

I'm glad I found his writing when I did. There's a blog up now with his writings on it. I'm not sure who is in charge of it but I will leave the link here- Bill Starr Blogspot

Or you can go to the Starting Strength site for Bill Starr articles here- Starr Articles


Go check out the Best Strength Training Blogs if you haven't already.

And if you know of any blogs that should be included leave me a message. I love finding new material that kicks a$$!

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