What if instead of thinking, you took action.. just one rep..
Wait until you're my age
What if?
43 Random Insights From 25 years of Training Experience
Strength Essentials: A Devotion to Transformation
Overcoming Injuries
Bold and Beautiful
A Wall in front of you
Zoom-in, zoom-out
What is the best workout for finding bliss?
Groovy - Grease the groove and master your technique
Too much?
Serious Play
Trim the Fat
Long-duration Isometrics
The ALL Take-Out Diet?
No Time is the BEST Time
The Great Stroll
Clarity. An Essential.
I went for a long hike today.
Let me just say..
Hiking is essential. I don't think I could live without it.
But besides that, today during my hike I had some thoughts.
Finding out what you truly want to train FOR is so damn important. It might just be the most overlooked aspect of enjoying success in your training life.
I had plenty of different reasons for my training over the years, but its been fairly consistent for a long stretch now that I just know my training is geared in one direction. It's one stream. One forward thrust.
When you get clarity, so much falls into place. And not just for fitness and workouts. In every area.
Clarity. It's a sigh of relief sometimes.
That's all I got today.
I'm working on so many projects, I am excited about them, diving in, but it's also been a different kind of energy drain. Another reason why I need walks in the woods, even if just a quickie.
Further Reading: