When you are too busy, you have the right amount of time…
When you have no time is the best time to make progress.
How can that be?
Taking a trip down memory lane today..
I was working multiple jobs, most days were 12-16 hours. The only days I worked 8 hours were when I had my daughter. Those nights we spent mostly at playgrounds, parks and outdoors playing.
Exhausted, was my constant state.
I remember sticking my head out the car window while driving home at night to stay awake. That kind of exhausted.
BUT, somehow I found time to train.
It was during this time that I learned the most about effective, essential workouts. I also found the "Grease the Groove" concept at this time.
It worked great.
I also did stairs at work on my lunch, along with pushups, squats, lunges in my cubicle.
When I was at the playground with my daughter I did sprints with the kids, pullups on monkey bars, carried my daughter on my shoulders etc..
Human nature being what it is, most of us like to procrastinate. We put off what we should do today for "later".. often, that time never comes. I'm sure you know the cycle that ensues. It's not a productive one, by any means.
What can be done?
Maybe you can't work 16 hour days 5 days a week to force yourself to train in little pockets of time. But certainly you can create some urgency.
But if you don't feel this desire strongly within yourself, all the intention of urgency may be for naught.
The mind is where it all begins and ends.
Start there.
Observe it. See how it works. When you choose to procrastinate. Watch the mind. What does it say? How does it move? What distractions hold its attention?
It all comes down to who you see yourself as. How do you want to live?
There's no right or wrong. Just what you feel deep inside. If there's a version of you that is buried and you haven't been able to bring it to life.. maybe it's time to unpack that. Break free of the bs holding you down.
Get started with a plan that requires zero equipment: BODYWEIGHT BASICS
Learn how to customize your own training program with the essentials: RUGGED FITNESS