Trim the Fat

When I began writing on the internet some ten years ago, I wanted to help everyone.

"Help" is an interesting idea. One we often take for granted. The meaning that is.

But over the past ten years in studying the mind and observing human behavior in regards to fitness, habits, mindset and the like, it has become apparent to me that things are not what they seem and are not what I once believed.

Do people want help? Do people who say they want help truly want to improve? Why do folks ask endless questions but never put the answers into action? Why is it that one person is "ready" for big time changes and another keeps stalling?

I started asking these and many other questions over the years in my interactions with people, whether it be clients, friends, family or strangers on the internet.

Some interesting developments became clear. These are the basis for my next "fitness" book that I am currently working on.

One thing I've realized is that I need to constantly refine. "Trim the fat" so to speak. Meaning that I only want to work with people who truly desire to go to another level. Whatever that level may be. It's not up to me to decide or put a name or label on it.

Over the years I've built up this and other newsletters with the intention of "helping" people. Get stronger, gain muscle, lose fat, become healthier, fitter etc..

But I realized that sometimes people are not meant to work with you. It might be the wrong time. The wrong situation. There's many reasons it may not be aligned at this moment.

So it is with this "newsletter" or whatever you want to call it. I often write in a way that will push people away. That's neither good or bad. It is just the way of things. If the message is not for you, then so be it. If it is? Also, so be it. It's a sort of "zen" way to be but it's truly the way I feel about most things nowadays.

If you want a tip or trick for your workouts, that's fine. As you have likely realized by now, that's not what you are getting here. I don't get excited to work with tips, tricks, and 5 step plans to become a little better. I need to feel inspired by a goal, a person, an idea. I imagine you do too. You know that feeling when something just lights you up inside and you want to jump over or through a wall.

That's what fires me up.

It's hard to define or put into words but you know it when you see it.

You have so many options nowadays with the internet. Workout plans, books, coaches, articles, videos.. so much information available that wasn't always there. This usually leads to overload and paralysis by analysis. Too much. Each idea pulling you this way and that. I don't want to add to that.

In my experience I have found it's beneficial to try new things, whether that's a program, or plan, or new way of eating or training. But what made the difference between just following it mindlessly VS. doing it with an intention of learning, adapting, experimenting, finding elements that truly work and incorporating those into your own style.. that's where it's at for me.

When you make it your own, you truly OWN it. That is another level.

Trim the fat. To find the essentials. What works and what doesn't.

I don't write to intentionally scare people off or to have any specific affect really. I write what comes to me. I have always been a writer and this is just another way I feel I need to let it loose. If it resonates with you, great. If not, great. Sometimes being authentic to who you are will push people away while also simultaneously attracting others even more.

So it goes.

Now off to do some stairs and calisthenics in the sunshine. The grass still wet from the rain will be a perfect environment for some spontaneous calisthenics and varied movement.

Become a master of your own body: BODYWEIGHT BASICS

Customize your own training plan with The Essentials: RUGGED FITNESS