Strength Essentials: A Devotion to Transformation

What is it that I want to say about my new book “Strength Essentials: A Devotion to Transformation”?

I'm not sure.

It is unlike any book ever written in the fitness world. In some ways, it is not a fitness book at all.

I don't want it to be self-promotional and yet I feel compelled to share it.

Is it going to benefit your life? I don't know. Will you gain insights from it? That's beyond me. I simply put the words together from my experiences. What happens after that will happen on its own accord.

There's a fine line for some of us creators. Where the art is almost done for itself, as if the process is the end. Not the impact of the work, or how it is perceived.

Sometimes I write and it never gets shared. How do I know when it needs to go out into the world? Good question. I guess it's a subtle inkling. A sort of knowing.

What is this book about?

As I can't stand to do things like everyone else does, I will not give you all the reasons this book will be “good for you”. To list the benefits you will garner that will help you solve specific problems just feels nauseating to me.

Instead, here is what the book is not. What you are left with may or may not intrigue you.

The book is not:

a program

a how-to manual

a nutrition guide

a compilation of list posts

a template to base your training routine upon

a collection of good vs. bad exercises

a guide on what foods are best

an endorsement of any kind
a guarantee of results






a solution

a miracle

What is the book then? What remains when all the fluff is removed?

Some words about my experiences with all things related to training body and mind. Two and a half decades of notes about what I discovered through devotion and an open mind that was always asking the question: what if?

If it speaks to you, great. If it doesn't, great. What you glean from it will depend on your level of openness and intention.

Strength Essentials: A Devotion to Transformation

For the old-school who loves a good paperback book: 25 YEARS OF TRAINING EXPERIMENTATION IN 99 PAGES HERE