Groovy - Grease the groove and master your technique

movement is essential

It was during the busiest time of my life that I found "Grease the Groove"

Doing multiple sets of an exercise every day, never going to failure or even close to it. Slowly adding sets and reps.

At work I would do a set of pushups in my cubicle a few times a day. At home I'd do a few more sets. At the playground with my daughter I'd do another set or two.

Just getting better at the movement. Working on pristine form and execution of the exercise.

Never going until failure.

I did this for squats and pullups also. All three of these exercises saw phenomenal improvement from this strategy. I don't know if I got bigger as that wasn't my goal but it's possible I did.

After about a month I'd go for one max set to see how many I could do. Without fail, I could do way more than I had anticipated. I was better at that movement pattern and my body could perform a much greater workload after the day by day perfect repetitions.

Something to consider if you want to improve an exercise but don't have a lot of time. It works great with bodyweight exercises but could also be used with other movements.

If you can do 20 reps of an exercise you only do 10-12 multiple times throughout the day. You feel like you're muscles are always active and ready to go but never overly sore.

Plenty of benefits which I don't need to mention here. If you want to do it, you will. If you don't no amount of me listing benefits will convince you, nor do I care to convince you.


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