Strength Essentials716

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A Wall in front of you

There’s a wall in front of you

Except it’s not visible.

It’s the invisible monster called your self-talk.

How does this wall stop you each and every day of your life?

By telling you what you are afraid of. How you are not good enough. That you are nothing special. By asking you questions like “who do you think you are?!” “what makes you think you can do something extraordinary?”

The self-talk goes on and on. All day long it is playing a broken-record of thoughts that have come from your life experiences. From setbacks. Failures. Traumas. From other people’s thoughts about life that you have consumed. All this becomes who you are.

But it’s not REALLY who you are. It’s just the version of yourself that you currently live inside.

Like a movie character, you live inside this person. It’s you but not you. And the funny part about it?

You can choose a new role at any time.

Yes. At any time.


It’s almost pointless to even ask if you don’t have an opening in your mind.

An opening that allows you to even entertain the possibility.

The possibility that you can shift your mindset.

Play a new role.

Choose a different character.

Climb over that wall of self-talk that has been blocking your progress for years.

Maybe you find a hole in the wall that you never noticed before. Now you can chip away at it and climb THROUGH it.

Or you magically SEE how you can use a tool that’s already in your hands.. and destroy that wall!

Whichever way you find, it is possible to undergo a giant shift.

An opening.

Take a step inside.

A new angle.

Break out of the old patterns.

Flip the old self talk upside down.

Laugh at it. Laugh at yourself. (highly underrated secret to make this work)

Maybe that wall suddenly dissipates.

You wake up and it’s gone. Into the void.

And now you can become the character you truly desire to be.


Yet somewhat tricky.

If you want the most unique perspective ever written on fitness, training and mindset you might want to check out my book:

Strength Essentials- A Devotion to Transformation