Strength Essentials716

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Alone on a deserted island

It's funny what you see online from the perspective of a creator and producer of content. I've been writing online for close to a decade. I've seen all kinds of interactions and comments.

Recently I wrote a post about finding a way to train even if I was alone on a deserted island. Someone commented that working out would be stupid and I would need to spend all my energy on hunting for food. A valid point, he made.

But that was a prime example of comments on the internet. As I was making a point about not needing equipment to train this person wanted to point out how smart he was and how dumb my scenario was.

And by the way, I would still find a way to train if I was alone on an island and hunting/gathering took up most of my time. The person who commented has an idea what "training" means and his mind is not open to the many options available to a person besides a one hour designated workout time doing exercises to fatigue muscles..

I don't really care about debates on social media or getting into "discussions" about anything online. It does nothing for me. I seek results and creative expression. I share online what is important in my life, what my experiences have been, insights that have come to me, discoveries from observation and taking notes etc..

With all that said, what I really want to talk about is equipment. Do you need any? What's the best? If you only had a small garage or basement setup what would you use?

This is a topic I'm interested in. How to setup your training space. Do you go ALL-OUT and make it everything you want? Or do you just get what you can or what will fit in the space. Do you have a bench? Rack? Barbell and plates? Kettlebells? Sled? Punching bag? Jump rope? Dip bars? There are many options, of course. It's a fun subject to think about.

Do you need a gym? No.

You could train outdoors in parks with steps, hills, stones, logs.. playgrounds with monkey bars, parallel bars..

Or you could train with just your body and the earth. So many options if you know what to do and you get a little creative.

It really depends on what you want out of your training. Where you're at. What is available to you. What your goal is and what result you want to achieve.

Often, we don't even know what our goal is or what result we truly desire. Sometimes we find it along the way, during our training plan.. after weeks or months of training suddenly you realize what it is you seek.It wasn't there before but you had to dig into it, sweat into it and then it became clear. Now you know what equipment, if any you require.

One of my favorite pieces of equipment is a dragging sled. I also love the jump rope. A step box. Dip bars. Pullup bar. Barbell and weights. I like it all. Every piece has a purpose. Are they all absolutely necessary? No. But I find I go through phases where one or another gets more emphasis for a cycle of time. This seems to be the natural flow of training for me. I don't plan it out much anymore, as most of my training is intuitive and rarely planned out anymore. But a good structure program can do wonders for you at certain times when you need it. If you feel lost or like you need some focus or structure, then your body/mind are talking to you. Might be wise to listen.

If you need a bodyweight plan you can do at home or anywhere there's a floor, go here: