Strength Essentials716

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Confessions of a 20 year "gym person"

Picture this:

19 year old kid walks into the gym for the first time.

Nervous. Unsure of what to expect.

And unsure of himself.

He was a skinny kid but that first year of college produced a big old beer belly.

This young fella had no confidence.

After working out consistently for months and years, he developed a body that he was proud of.

His confidence grew.

Fast-forward 20 years. (you guys who had VCRs and tape decks know all about it..)

As he signs his name to cancel his gym membership, a woman asks "why would you do that? You're a gym person!"

Which stops him in his tracks.

That man was me.

I never considered myself a gym person. I hate labels.

Maybe you feel the same way?

For 20 years I used the gym to build myself up.

But it also became a crutch.

I had to make a change.

You know when you are taking the easy way out.

It's much harder to break free of the comfort zone.

But to grow into your full potential, you have to.

If running is your comfort zone, then it's time to lift some weights.

Maybe you only lift weights and never do cardio.. or you never do bodyweight exercises..

you know what you need to do.

This goes beyond the gym.

Where are you comfortable?

Take a step outside that nice cozy place.

That's why I decided to take my workouts outside this winter.

It's not easy. I hate it.

What is the most challenging for you?

It's time to face it.

Whatever makes your heart beat fast and your hands shake... you know what your next action needs to be.

- Jim (not a GYM person)  :)


I'm running a free trial for my workout of the day program (REBEL FITNESS)

You can try it out for a brief period of time to see if you like it.

Just reply to this message with the words - FREE TRIAL and I'll send over a week of workouts.

So far, the guys on the program have said they like the variety of the workouts and the freedom to work around their own busy schedules.

Each day you get a workout option- a sort of "Choose your own Adventure"

Try it out for yourself for a week: REBEL FITNESS