Strength Essentials716

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Daily Dose Deadlift Plan Review


Results from Daily Dose Deadlift Plan

What is the Daily Dose Deadlift plan?

For the original article that details the program go here: DAILY DOSE DEADLIFT PLAN

You will deadlift five days per week for a total of 45 days.

The program is based on 75% of your 1 rep max deadlift.


Why I chose to do the daily dose deadlift plan

I wanted to pull more frequently and improve my technique on my deadlifts. This plan made perfect sense for my goal.

The plan is great for those guys who pull between 1-2x bodyweight. 

Perfect. My deadlift when I started was around 365.


45 days of Submaximal Deadlifts

I started the program with 265 lbs. for 3-5 singles each day.

After a few sessions I started using a semi-sumo deadlift. Since this was a new deadlift stance I wasn't sure what my max was. I estimated it at 345.

I wasn't intentionally changing my stance for good. At first, it was just for some variety but I started to like the movement and I stuck with it for the majority of the plan.

At the beginning, I couldn't wait for the next session to pull another 5 submax reps. Then there were days I just didn't feel like it but knew I had to do it anyway.

That's the way it goes with any program. You deal with it and push through, even when (especially when) you don't feel like it.


Progress on the Daily Dose Deadlift Plan

At the end of the program I tested my semi-sumo deadlift and maxed out at 375 lbs.

Not bad. A 30 lb increases from my estimated 1 rep max.

Also, notable gains were made in my posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, back).

Even though you only pull 5 submax singles each session, you do this 5 times per week and you have 25 reps at 75%. That's more deadlift volume than I had trained with in a long while.

Besides the deadlift, my upper body movements increased during this plan but my squat did not.

My squat was put on the backburner during this plan and I had been working on some adjustments- different shoes, bar placement, foot width, foot angle, knee position etc..

I reduced the volume on my squats also which had an influence. If you wanted to improve your squat simultaneously with this plan I think you can if you find the optimal training volume for it.

Would I recommend this plan?

If you need more practice with your deadlift and you pull between 1-2x bodyweight, then YES. This program might be just what you need to break through a plateau.

Make sure to eat enough, sleep and find the right balance in the rest of your training.

In my opinion, it would be wise to use these 45 days to get bigger and stronger and don't worry about cardio/conditioning.

Some light sled dragging and easy bike rides are all I did.

Final Thoughts

  • Grease the groove- Get better at the movement by working frequently in the submax range (75%)
  • Try some deadlift variations- work your pulling muscles in a different way and see if you are stronger in another position
  • Keep your deadlift shoes in your gym bag (you need them every day!)
  • Don't worry about your squat during these 45 days. (your focus is on the deadlift)

If you want more programming ideas, go to my training log where I document this plan and other programs, go here: STRENGTH ESSENTIALS TRAINING LOG