Strength Essentials716

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Essential Fitness Equipment

What is essential for you to get in shape?

How about to get stronger?

What about your conditioning?

What is absolutely ESSENTIAL for you to improve your physical well-being?

This topic has been on my mind for quite some time.

My outlook on this subject has changed over the years.

We evolve. We change. We learn. We grow.

Earlier this week I decided to cancel my gym membership.

There were many reasons but the one most prominent in my mind was that I needed a new challenge.

I needed the challenge to be outside the walls of the climate-controlled gym.

This decision probably doesn’t make sense to a lot of people, but I no longer concern myself with what the common man thinks.

My mission is not to impress or satisfy anyone. Maybe you feel the same way?

Since I quit the gym, my workouts have been all completed outdoors.

My equipment has been simple: my body, the ground, monkey bars, jump rope, resistance band, logs, stairs, hills.

I am going to be adding the sled and sandbag into the mix also.

What does this have to do with your training?

You are on your own strength and fitness journey.

What you require may be different than me.

The truth is, none of us require anything fancy.

We don’t need a nice clean gym with shiny equipment.

The essentials for your training might be just a barbell and weights.

Or maybe it’s a sled and sandbag.

Your training will change over time. You evolve. What once worked may not serve your best interests anymore.

Some of the essentials you have may last you a lifetime.

Ever since I found the sled, it’s been an essential for me.

Other pieces of equipment have come and gone but there are some that stay with you forever.

Always be open to think outside the normal way.

Not only do you learn something new, you may find something that aligns with you for the rest of your life.

You may try something that everyone swears is the next best thing since toilet paper, but for you it just doesn’t feel right.

That’s great information.

Keep adapting, growing.. evolve as you go and take what is useful with you.

Be great.



Overcoming adversity is the key to becoming the strongest version of yourself.

I believe we all have much greater potential than we realize. Often, we need just one breakthrough to give us insight into our true inner strength.

I am committed to help you gain strength for life. You have a purpose. I want to help you achieve it.

Improving your life takes much more than knowledge.

It’s a constant battle in your mind.

I’ve been through it.

For over two decades I’ve trained in gyms, learning from my failures.

If you want to fulfill your potential, you don’t have go alone like I did.

I teach you everything I know:

-The Strength for Life Manifesto- A quick e-book that will inspire you to rise up and tackle any obstacle that stands in your way.

-Daily emails that will challenge you to level-UP your life.

Every day you will receive powerful emails on topics like:

-The most effective methods to become stronger physically AND mentally.

-A blueprint to get a lean body that is full of energy and vitality.

-How to maximize time in your training.

-Weekly challenges to get you out of your comfort zone to forge an iron body and will.

-How to become spartan-fit without a gym or any fancy equipment.

-Building an UNSTOPPABLE mindset, so nothing can stop you from your goals.

-Keys to building healthy habits that ensure daily progress.

-How to discover your mission, and live with purpose.

You will have ALL the tools you need to become the strongest you possible.