How much Information do you NEED?
There's this cliche that says "knowledge equals power". Everyone seems to agree that it is absolutely true. But is it?
If you dig deeper you find that it is not so simple.
And before you start yelling at the screen "knowledge equals POTENTIAL power" take a power pause and breathe a few times.. Funny this "power pause" idea was something a client of mine brought up the other day. A fun little tactic that can work in the short term.
Back to the cliche of knowledge being power. Looking at fitness you see how much information is available now. Way more than ever before. And are people more powerful in their bodies? Generally speaking, no. The amount of people who are in phenomenal shape is so small that if you are even in decent shape you stand above.
Why is this? If people have access to all the best information/knowledge in the world why are people generally not in any better shape and you see a greater amount of people moving in the opposite direction?
There's many reasons. It's not cut and dry. Everyone will have a different opinion about this. A lack of motivation. Lifestyle factors. Genetics. Too many hours working.. The plentiful junk food options and on and on..
In regards to information, there is undoubtedly helpful words that you can read that may help you. But they are limited.
In working with clients for many years and studying the mind, I have seen many sides to this subject. Some people are more receptive to information. Some have closed minds and won't listen to any new ideas. Other folks are so desperate to find a solution that they will accept all information and do whatever is asked to achieve their desired goal.
Information is fine. It's not the beginning or the end. It's not power. It's just words assembled together to communicate. To understand what truly works for a given individual, you need to go deeper. What makes you tick? Are you open to new ideas? Do you want to follow a clear-cut plan? Are you the type who enjoys exploration and adventure, not only literally but in other ways too?
How strong is your desire? What has happened in your life to make you want to change NOW?
There are many questions to ask. But just providing information is mostly ineffective beyond the basics. And even then, there are limitations to what information can provide. It all goes back to the individual. How do you learn best?
Some folks need to try things and feel it out. Others like to stick to one plan for a few months before making an assessment as to its effectiveness.
Let's say you want to try an all-bodyweight program for whatever reason. You just want to do it for a month or two. But you know nothing about how to progress or regress certain exercises. Maybe you've worked out before but never stayed consistent and aren't sure about how to put together a cohesive routine.
For you there's a certain amount of information that would be helpful and needed. But would it be better to get that information from an article or book or from personal experience? It depends. Like many things in this fitness world, it depends on the individual.
For some people too much information can be overwhelming and halt all progress. But for someone else, that amount of information is exciting and pushes their training to another level.
This is a topic I've been writing about in my next book. There's a lot to it but I find it interesting to write about and think through.
What makes you tick?
Some people don't really know.
I used to think everyone had an idea about how they are wired but I've learned in working with people that many folks never examine this and have no idea what drives them from inside.
It's a worthy endeavor if you are into it. No one can make it desirable for you with their words, including myself, but if you are inclined you can start with simple questions that spark a deeper awareness.
That's it for today.
If you need a bodyweight plan - BODYWEIGHT BASICS
If you need a book that outlines the essentials for you to train intuitively- RUGGED FITNESS