Strength Essentials716

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How to Get Started With Fitness

One problem many busy folks run into is getting started.

With many areas, but specifically fitness.

So how do you get started with a fitness program?

Where do you begin?

Let's cut right to the chase.

You need to take action.

All the research in the world isn't going to get your rear off the couch and under the weights.

Sounds real easy right? Of course it's not.

But it IS simple.

Simple rarely = easy.

Here are some tips to get you started with a fitness program.

-Just pick a program and start!

-Decide on a day you will begin. Mark the calendar so you and others can see it.

-Go grocery shopping. Make a list of the foods you need to help you on your new fitness plan.

-Find a trainer/training partner. This will hold you accountable and help with motivation.

-Pack your gym bag the night before/ pack your lunch the night before. These two can make a HUGE difference, trust me.

Try those out and you should be on your way.

A big part of fitness is just getting started. Building momentum.

Then, you can worry about the next challenge- staying consistent.

Good luck!  And if you need help send me an email with a question you have.