Strength Essentials716

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Let your light shine on the world

I just finished up my new book- The Strength for Life Manifesto.

It’s a short book that came to life from a single inspired thought.

Have you had an inspired thought lately? What did you do with it?

When you have a new idea that gets you excited, it has great natural energy and power.

The problem is when you don’t act on it right away. The energy dissipates and your inspired idea no longer has the same drive behind it.

The Strength for Life Manifesto came to me and I immediately started taking notes about it.

When I say “it came to me”, I’m talking about tapping IN to the source of all creativity. Beyond our superficial minds and our normal everyday tasks.

We all have a light inside. Each of us has a unique story to share and a different gift to bring to the world.

Sadly, some people never realize what that gift is before they leave this world.

I want to help as many people as I can to realize they have a unique gift AND they CAN bring it to light.

Not only that you CAN, but you MUST.

The world needs it.

The following quote sums up what I;m talking about-

We don’t have unlimited time here on Earth, obviously. No one knows when their time is going to be UP.

Maybe it’s because I lost my dad at a young age that I am so much more in tune with this idea or mortality but it’s the truth,

We need more urgency.

Stop putting off that BIG thing you want to do.

When you have an inspired idea, don’t wait, don’t ask other people for their opinion, don’t overanalyze.. just GO. NOW.

Get into motion.

Figure it out as you go.

So what if it doesn’t work out exactly as you planned.

You will be surprised to find that whatever comes from the experience will be more rewarding than if you never started in the first place.

Let the world see your light.

I believe in you.



If you haven’t yet, pick up my popular 21 day fitness challenge.

This bodyweight program is perfect for you if you haven't worked out in awhile, or if you need a workout that you can do at home or while traveling.

This is a program to ignite healthy fitness habits and doesn't require any equipment.

You don't even need a gym membership.

What you do need is the desire to build healthy habits over the next 21 days.

The habits you will focus on in the next 21 days are based on sound nutritional strategies, daily movement, 3 workouts per week, 2 days of quick cardio/conditioning workouts.

This program is delivered in an ebook form. It's easy to read and contains all the information you need to get started building lifelong healthy habits.


-Lose weight (average 5-10 pounds)

-Build muscle

-Gain energy

-Boost self-confidence

AND most importantly build healthy habits DAILY.