Strength Essentials716

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Overcoming Injuries & Finding Your Way

I’ve endured many injuries.

Some were due to my own stupidity, some were just life. Car accidents, sports, jumping off rooftops, lifting way too much weight in the gym.. there were all kinds in my four plus decades on this earth.

Each injury has potential.

Potential to teach you something.

If you listen.

No matter how you get injured, your body is giving you important information in the moment. Pain, restricted movement, a change of motion. There are signals your body is giving you. It’s making you pay attention.

What most people want to do is escape the pain. Do whatever is necessary to get rid of the current painful situation.

No one wants to live in pain, it’s understandable.

But one issue that comes up is if you do whatever feels best to numb the pain and you never learn from the injury. You skip that part of the process. For good reason too, as no one wants to go through with it. We choose the easy way out most of the time.

In my experience with injuries I have discovered there are treasures to be found if you stick with it long enough.

If you listen to what the body is telling you. Observe. Pay attention. Experiment. Adapt. Overcome.

Without going into detail about every injury I’ve had, I will state plainly that there is a way. You can make the area stronger than it was before.

It will require more work than you’ve ever done. Most people won’t do it.

Regardless of who you are or what your place in the world is, you have the potential to heal, overcome and become even stronger than before the injury occurred.

What is the key? The determining factor…


If you want it so bad that you are willing to do anything to reach it, then it will be yours.

The reasons people don’t heal are either you didn’t know you could or you didn’t care enough or want it badly enough.

These are not judgments on your character but statements of truth.

What if you had an injury and I said ok you have to do 1,000 reps of this specific bodyweight movement three times a day.. every day.. and you will not only heal, but your body will be more resilient to the demands of your life in the future..

Would you do it? Do you want it that bad?

Desire is the great x factor.

Every injury I’ve had I wanted to heal it myself without any drugs, surgeries etc.. I wanted it so bad I would do whatever needed to be done, no matter how tedious.

And overcoming injuries is tedious. Your mind will be tested by the sheer volume of work. Not that it’s heavy lifting, or super intense make you want to puke metabolic conditioning work… but the amount of reps or the amount of time you need to devote to it, can be mind-numbing.

It will test your resolve and your grit.

Bottom line is you have it in you to overcome anything. The potential is in all of us. What you decide to do with that potential is up to you.

This has been my experience.

I may share more in the coming days.

Part of this topic will be in my upcoming book. You will be the first to hear about it.

Until next time. To your strength.