Strength Essentials716

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The Path Less Travelled

You know the feeling when you are being pulled in many directions at the same time?

A part of you KNOWS which way is the RIGHT way, but you have doubts.

Why does this happen?

FEAR. Which stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.

For some reason you are afraid to go your own way. The path less travelled.

This happens in every area of our life.

Maybe it’s your health or business or personal life..

What is keeping you from moving in the direction that you KNOW is optimal for you?

What holds so many of us back is the fear of what others think.

Many of us won’t admit to this, but it’s true on MANY levels.

We don’t go to a gym because we think we need to get in shape FIRST. Crazy, I know!

There are tons of examples of ways we sabotage our abilities because of fear of what others may think or say about our choices.

The path less-travelled is not a popular one, naturally.

In my experience, it’s ESSENTIAL.

Essential for growth in body, mind and spirit.

We all have a different journey. Our TRUE journey is NEVER an easy one.

The easy road is the common choice.

What others think we should do.

I bet if you are reading this right now, that is not you. You are here for something more.

Part of that is your physical strength and health.

You want more out of your body and by extension, your life.

Take the path no one is on.

For each of is that path is different.

Where you are going may be hazy and dark.. you may have to crawl under some barbed wire..

You may have to climb some fences or trees..

The road less-travelled is the most rewarding journey we can take.

It’s scary at times. There’s a lot of uncertainty and self-doubt..

But it is worth it to know that you found your mission and pursued it with 100% of your own effort.

At the end of the journey, if you can say that, you know that will be a great feeling of accomplishment.


***** NEW Program***

Level UP 45

45 days to Level-UP your fitness and health.

This is a program for you if you :

-Don’t like gyms
-Can’t stay consistent with exercise
-Struggle with diet (or lack of)
-Not sure how to start, or what the best workout is for your current fitness ability
-Need guidance but train with me in-person due to location, work schedule or funds

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This is a great opportunity to change your life dramatically in 6 weeks

Get the Program Level UP 45 Now