Zoom-in, zoom-out
Photographers know that you can alter the image greatly by adjusting the focus.
Zoom-in, zoom-out. Focus on an image in the foreground or the background. The entire photo changes.
The same can be said for your training.
Where you focus your energy and your mind will show in your results.
Take an injury, for example.
If you have pain in your knee, shoulder or back you will find your focus is on that pain. But what specifically is that focus? Is your mind telling you that you don't like it and you need to make it stop?
Is your mind telling you to do something else, move in a different way, or avoid a specific activity?
It's something to play around with if you are so inclined.
When you have a pain, just observe your mind. What is it telling you? See if you can shift your focus. Not to escape the pain or overlook it but to find a new way of approaching it. There are many ways to focus, but most of us have never been taught how to use our minds in these ways.
No one knows the exact percentage of our minds that we use vs. what we don't have access to but there are absolutely big parts of our minds that we don't tap into. Great powers we have no idea about. Maybe you will find some if you open up to explore in this way.
For an injury, what is this pain trying to tell me? My body is not ready to handle this current level of force in this environment. Ok. Now, you have information. What will you do with it? Can you shift how you process and focus? Zoom-in or out, when appropriate for each.
Sometimes it's beneficial to go deeper "into" the pain. Other times it's useful to change your focus to other parts of your body and see how that pain signal lessens. All in all, you can find new ways to overcome whatever it is you are up against.
Whether it's being stuck in your program or fighting through an injury or struggling to change habits that aren't serving your best interests. You can focus in new ways and see doors open to find a different path for your goal.
For a plan at home that requires no equipment: BODYWEIGHT BASICS
The fundamentals in your training?: RUGGED FITNESS