When Training Becomes Art

Daily Training Focus

Holding a horse-stance squat until legs shake.

Holding a bit longer and the entire body is trembling.

Focus shifts to the breath. Just watching it go in and out. Not trying to adjust it. Then moving down to the earth for a push-up isometric. Holding for a long time. The entire body is turned on. Focus is entirely on the moment. The body. Each muscle. The breathing. Holding for just five more seconds..

Then I move into other movements or isometrics, depending on how I'm feeling. Maybe I do sled dragging. Maybe steps or hills. Maybe I go through a circuit of calisthenics. I never know anymore. I just follow the driving force that comes from within me. I don't know why it's there or how it got there. It sounds mysterious but I think it's just something I've been inclined to tune into.

What is the point of this post? Shouldn't I have one? Of course, right? There are certain methods of writing articles that you are supposed to follow. I read them long ago and I also left them behind some time ago. I need to have a strong headline. A seductive first line. Compelling copy. Convincing words. Persuasive language to get the reader to take an action. Sales writing etc..

None of that interests me or aligns with what I'm about so I do things an entirely different way.

If you're here reading this, there is some reason that brought your mind and these words together. Who knows what it is.

I don't care to follow or emulate how anyone else on earth writes articles or trains their body or anything else. At some point I realized I wanted every aspect of my life to be absolutely from intuition and instinct and not a single thing from what society says.

So when I think of training, I have so many different experiences with the entire scope of training. Whether it's different equipment or programming or training for a specific event or goal.. I've been around all aspects for multiple decades now. If I was to describe my own training it would be something that would probably not make sense to you. It would not be something for you to follow. Everyone has a different way. Sometimes the way is optimal, other times not.

Once in awhile you come upon another person that can help you. Truly guide you to another level that you seek. It's rare to find this individual, but they exist. If you are tired of waiting and want to do it on your own, now is the time. Why now? Because now is the only time you have. You might not have much more. You never know.

There were times in my training career that I found the right person to help me. A few times I remember reading something that hit home and lit a spark that was all I needed in that moment. Jim Wendler's 531 was one book like that. Dan John's Easy Strength as well. Or Zach Even-Esh articles,

You could find someone else who shares the same information but it doesn't resonate with you. Something just feels off. If you try to force it you'll likely experience sub-optimal results.

What is the point? I'm not sure I have one.

Training. An art and a meditation. A focus away from the world and into all of your physical capacities.

You can have any goal you desire. If it feels strong within you, that's a signal to pay attention.

See where it goes.

If you need a hand, let me know. I respond to every message as honestly as I can. Sometimes you only need a little guidance finding clarity in the reason behind what you are doing. Then the way presents itself naturally.

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Bodyweight Basics