When a change of perspective becomes habitual


It was a a cold and brisk morning.

It took me a few minutes, but eventually I got my hoodie and winter hat on.

One thing about me you may or may not know- I hate the cold.

The old me would find an excuse to not go outside and train. The current version of me? I go do it.

All those actions I don’t want to do, I do. No matter how uncomfortable it is or how much I know it will hurt.. I do it.

It’s so simple and powerful, yet so often overlooked because we all want a quick fix. Something magical that we can bottle up and sell that will get us results with minimal effort and no time invested.

Real talk = there’s no true, lasting results without pushing yourself HARD and DAILY.

You know this right? Are you doing it?

Why not?

Are you lacking motivation?

No passion, no drive, no mission..

What’s driving you onwards and upwards?

If you don’t have an answer, don’t feel bad. You are NOT alone.

I’ve been there. We all have,

How do you get OUT of it?

How do you go from LOST to a MAN ON A MISSION?

You gotta get quiet.

Go away into the woods.

Find a place where you can be alone with your thoughts.

It will be uncomfortable.

You will want to escape within a few minutes.

That’s normal. Accept it. Embrace it and stay WITH IT.


What do you truly, deep-down want out of life?

Before you can create a plan, you need to know what your purpose is.

Find that, then move on to putting a plan together.

The first step is most important.

The plan is fluid and changeable. It will evolve with you.

How does this help you get outside to work out when it’s cold?

It might not.

Until you find that purpose, you have to tap in to a different mindset.

You want a mindset that does not want to go to bed knowing you did not give 100% today.

That change of perspective becomes habitual.

Every day you start looking for challenges that you can tackle to further develop your mental toughness.

A mission will take you far.

But don’t let a lack of a strong drive stop you from attacking each day with a warrior mentality.


Overcoming adversity is the key to becoming the strongest version of yourself.

I believe we all have much greater potential than we realize. Often, we need just one breakthrough to give us insight into our true inner strength.

I am committed to help you gain strength for life. You have a purpose. I want to help you achieve it.

Improving your life takes much more than knowledge.

It’s a constant battle in your mind.

I’ve been through it.

For over two decades I’ve trained in gyms, learning from my failures.

If you want to fulfill your potential, you don’t have go alone like I did.

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-The Strength for Life Manifesto- A quick e-book that will inspire you to rise up and tackle any obstacle that stands in your way.

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Every day you will receive powerful emails on topics like:

-The most effective methods to become stronger physically AND mentally.

-A blueprint to get a lean body that is full of energy and vitality.

-How to maximize time in your training.

-Weekly challenges to get you out of your comfort zone to forge an iron body and will.

-How to become spartan-fit without a gym or any fancy equipment.

-Building an UNSTOPPABLE mindset, so nothing can stop you from your goals.

-Keys to building healthy habits that ensure daily progress.

-How to discover your mission, and live with purpose.

You will have ALL the tools you need to become the strongest you possible.

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