Strength Training Plan/ Rucking for Beginners


Strength Training today:

DB Rows (single arm) for many reps and sets.

Cardio: Bike.

Simple and to the point.

That's just my intuitive training "program", let's talk about your training plan.

Do you have one?

Is it "working"?

Are you challenged enough?

Physically AND mentally...

How about your nutrition. Is it working for you?

Are you paying attention to how your body feels after eating? Do you know which foods provide the most energy and strength?

How about the foods that make you feel sleepy, lazy and bloated?

Rucking for Beginners

Last night was my first "RUCK".

I'm not sure where the idea came from but I decided it was time I started hiking with weight on my back.

This is a great way to get in some cardio without running or being in a gym.

it's harder than walking obviously, so you burn more calories.

Also benefits your heart as you improve aerobic capacity more than just walking.

You will also find that rucking works some muscles you forgot were there..

This is not to say that walking without a weighted backpack is pointless. NOT AT ALL.

Just a new challenge I'm taking up.

I googled RUCKING and found there is an ongoing movement called "GORUCK" and they have three different levels of challenges on their website.

The three levels are- light, tough, heavy.

Light is 7-10 miles in 4-5 hours, while carrying 20 lbs.

Tough is 15-20 miles in 10-12 hours, carrying 30 lbs.

Heavy is 40+ miles in 24+ hours, carrying 30 lbs.

These challenges are part of a team-building experience and not limited to just rucking. There are also obstacles and exercises you perform.

I also found three benchmarks in THIS ARTICLE :

-5k (3.1 miles) ruck with 44lbs in less than 40 minutes.

-10k ruck in less than 85 minutes.

-30k (20 miles) in less than 5 hours.

I don't know about you, but I've never walked 20 miles straight in my life.

These challenges seem BIG and far away from where I am right now (a total beginner)

GOOD. A new focus. Another physical and mental battle to face and overcome.

The battle started last night. I went an hour and twenty minutes with the 10 lb. rucksack on my back. My upper back feels it today.

A good pace is 15 minutes per mile. I'm not sure how far I went but I imagine it was around 4 miles.

If You Can't Run, you CAN ruck

Since my knees were bothering me after the third week of my new running program, I decided to scale back on the running until my knees calmed down.

In the meantime I needed another way to get outside and challenge myself beyond my normal walks.

Rucking is the perfect option if you can't run or don't want to run.

From what I've read , rucking works your heart as much as jogging, without the wear and tear on the joints.

If you're interested I will share more info about my experience with rucking in future posts.

For now, it's a new beginning and another challenge.

I plan on rucking three days a week in place of my running for a few weeks.

As I improve, I will add weight and distance until I complete some of the challenges above.

You don't need anything fancy to start. Just a backpack with some weight in it (recommended to start with 10 lbs.)

I wore running sneakers but I'm going to try my hiking shoes next time as I feel I need some extra ankle stability.

Bottom line: GET MOVING!

Whether it's walking, hiking, rollerblading, cycling, swimming, rucking.. get outside and MOVE.

Weight training in the gym is important, always.

But you need to get in some aerobic work also.

Plus you and I NEED the challenges that come from endurance work.

They're a whole different animal.

Test your resilience and get after it.


Need help putting together a complete program?

APPLY HERE for my Strength Essentials Man the EFF up Program.

You get:

-Strength training programming

-Daily challenges

-Strong nutrition

-Morning mindset outline

-Cardio plan

-Conditioning/mental toughness workouts