Are Dips THE Best Exercise Ever?

Dips are one of the best exercises

Are they THE absolute best?

Who cares!

These types of questions get posed by people to stir up some interest in the reader. It works. These ideas of the BEST or TOP 3 or the ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL get the attention of the human reading on the internet.

I love DIPS. I have done them for many years. My body likes them, responds well to them and they do not cause me any issues in the way of joint pain or injury. I don’t do them as heavy as I once did but there was a time I would do them weighted with over 100 lbs. wrapped around my waist.

These days I do dips every week in some form. Either for higher rep sets or isometrics. Sometimes I combine the two in a workout or in separate workouts each week.

Point being, Dips are an exercise I like to do and find they work well for me. Maybe they do for you, maybe they don’t.

There are plenty of exercises for you to choose from if one exercise doesn’t suit your needs or causes you pain.

The key is to play around with the form, variations, tempo, weight.. all the variables. Experiment and find out what is going to work for your training needs.

It doesn’t matter what program I do or anyone else does. What are YOU doing? Why are you doing it? Is it working for you? Ask yourself these questions and proceed accordingly.

Regardless if you like dips or any other exercise, if you find something that gives you results, it might be something that sticks with you forever. Maybe it’s your “BEST” exercise ever.

With that being said, I should list the top 5 benefits of dips and the reasons you should do them and how to incorporate them into a sound training strategy,. that’s what most folks online would do. But if you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you may know I will not do that. I just can’t do those at all. Maybe when I first started writing online about a decade ago I was gung-ho about sharing my excitement over training and why you should do this and that and how it would change your life for the better and come on let’s get started NOW!

But the current version of me has no interest in that. I’m not here to convince you of anything. I am not a motivator. Or a speech-giver rah-rah-rah let’s go team! Nope. Not gonna get that from me here. I share what comes from the heart and gut. From my experiences to your screen. Take it or leave it. Matters not to me. If it strikes a chord with you, great. If not, also great. I put it out there into the world and what happens is out of my hands.

Now, on to do some DIPS! The BEST exercise in existence. Why? Because I said so and it’s my blog. Go write your own if you want. Just don’t tell me as I do not care.