Fitness Is NOT About Selfies- Despite What Social Media Says

I don't know about you man but I can't take it anymore.


They are just dumb.

Never been a fan. I tried a few and they always felt awkward and fake.

But if you have any friends who are gung-ho fitness buffs then you probably see a ton of selfies.

AND pics of their meals. Yawnn..

Everyone does it so it must be cool and/or acceptable right?

Not to me.

And not to you.

If you love selfies then we are NOT a good fit.

Guys that are obsessed with shirtless mirror pics in the locker room. Lame.

Don't get me wrong, I want to look good. And you do too.

Nothing wrong with that.

It's just stuffing it in everyone else's face.

That's not cool.

And a lot of personal trainers do it.

I get why. They want to share their love for fitness. And show their results.

You can have these rock-hard abs too!

But the thing is, you don't love fitness and exercise as much as them.

Not even close.

And you definitely don't love yourself and selfies like they do.

So there's a disconnect.

But I'm not here to tell you they're wrong. Or that you should LOVE working out like fitness pros do.

What I'm here to say is you can improve your body without hours of suffering on treadmills.

And eating bland chicken breasts and steamed broccoli.

You can have a life and find time to make training FIT your lifestyle.

It will take work, yes of course.

But it's doable. 

It takes a plan.

Some weights

Sound nutrition habits.

Consistently followed for a period of time.

A little bit more movement.

More weight on the barbell.

A small improvement in your diet.

Less liquid calories.

More water.

Simple things done consistently over time, to get results.

Now go lift something.

Lose the beer belly.

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