How it begins

It begins with a spark.

Origin unknown.

It may come from a life-changing experience.

Or having your back against the wall.

Facing the void..

Or a build up inside that just needed a little bit of inspiration to push you over the edge into GO time.

It's fascinating when you dissect this process.

Humans aren't easily moved by information or "shoulds"

A spark to begin a new journey comes in almost a mysterious manner.

You can't force it or coerce it upon someone else. Although that's what many want to do in this world. Force others to do what they think is right.

If you have no idea what is right for you, then you are easier to push into corners about what you should or should not do.

This never leads to transformation.

Inspiration just doesn't work that way.

So what are you to do about this?

How can YOU find your spark?

It would be disingenuous of me to say just follow these steps and it will happen for you. If you don't have the desire and the conditions aren't ripe, there's no amount of words that will put you on that path.

I have no magic formulas. No magic pills. No magic potions. I leave that to society and all it's plentiful scams that are abundant now and forever.

Maybe you feel deep down.. something.. and it's building steam.. a spark may be just what you need to get moving in the direction you desire. This is beyond my control. I put the words out into the world and what happens after that is a communion between the reader, his/her mind and the words.

One thing I will say is that when you are genuinely interested in a subject and you immerse yourself in the pursuit of it, the more you expose yourself to the words in that realm, the likelier the chance you will find the fire you are looking for.

Do with this information what you will.

Whenever I wanted to get to the bottom of a topic or pursuit, I exposed myself to it as often as possible... in a way to have a sort of soaking into the skin of the meaning beneath the words.. sort of abstract concepts but this is the only way I can describe it.

Often we become, our environment. And that includes everything in your world. From what you watch, eat, people you talk to, information you consume, air, sunshine, animals, news, etc..

What are you exposing yourself to day by day?
Is it nudging you in the direction you want?

Something to think about.