
Brisket Burger

I had the most amazing beef brisket burger today. Just wanted to share that.

How do you fit those types of meals into your eating plan?

One way is to count your macros/calories. If you want to lose fat you eat less than your body needs per day. (or over the course of a week)

The other way is to eat "clean" most days of the week and to have a meal or two one day a week where you go off the normal diet plan.

Either way works. Any diet can work.

For how long?  And will you have a big rebound?

Here's a big concern that no one really thinks about. Ok, you lose 20 lbs. in 6 weeks. Then what? What does your diet become after that? Can you sustain it?

Or do you go right back to where you were before ?

Diet and training are simple yet complex at the same time.

The human body is an adaptive machine. Our body doesn't want to be super lean. It wants to survive, which means having more fat stored up.

We have to constantly work with our body and understand it. The best diet is the one you can stick with and adapt as you go. As you change, as you age,  go through different transitions, transformations, have new goals etc..

The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn to listen to your body.. Pay attention. Write down what you experience. Take notes on what foods make you feel bloated, what foods give you great energy, what drinks give you a headache etc..

What I want to say is this - have that brisket burger. Enjoy it. And don't worry about it. When the meal is over, that's it. It's over. No guilt. No starving yourself for a half a day. Have a plan, stick to it 80-90% of the time depending on your goals. If you want more fat loss then go more towards 90% but you can still enjoy that apple pie or burger or whatever treat you want.

Don't stress about it. Just eat the damn burger already.


Dogma and Feedback...or Waffles and Maple Syrup?

I had these two great ideas to write about. Then I started eating a 'treat'- some waffles with real maple syrup. 

As I savored the taste, I realized it would make a much better blog post than my other topics about fitness.

So let's talk about waffles. Or pancakes. Or tortilla chips and salsa... whatever you like. Those foods you are told not to eat, and when you eat them you feel guilty. Or you think you need to do more cardio to make up for it.. or you wonder why you can't control your cravings..

I go through these phases. For a week or two usually. Sometimes it's honey nut cheerios I crave. Or peanut butter cups. Or chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Or those bagels with all different kinds of seeds, topped with melted butter..

Here's how I find a way to fit these kinds of foods into my life and satisfy those cravings that we all eventually give into.

I track my calories daily.

I know what numbers I need to shoot for. It's not perfect. Rarely do I ever hit the exact numbers but you know what? I am getting leaner.

I get to eat the foods I crave (within reason) on top of the normal go-to meals I eat that contain a good amount of protein, veggies/fruit etc.. I make sure to get as close to my protein goal for the day and the carbs and fats will often vary.

This has been the easiest 'diet' to follow for me. When I want to cut fat, like I am now, I cut calories per day by about 500.  Give or take.

It's not an exact science. I don't use a food scale and I'm not obsessed over the minutiae. - love that word--   but this way of eating some call 'flexible dieting' or "if it fits your macros' is very effective.

Just like any other training or nutrition protocol, it may or may not be a good fit for you. But I need to stress here that YOU are the most important part of this process of finding a diet you can stick with long-term. 

When I get down to the bodyfat percentage I am shooting for I can then bring up the calories a bit to maintenance level or higher if I want to start building some mass.

So have your waffles and real maple syrup or whatever you desire. It's your life! Train hard, eat for fuel/performance 85% of the time and fill in the rest however you want.

A Boring Diet Post

Do you love reading about diets? Or does it bore you to tears?

I've been on both sides.

Right now I have been enjoying reading about transformation stories and the diet that each person employed.

Every one is different and has different needs when it comes to nutrition, fuel, eating, diet, macros, micros, breaking bread, having a snack, enjoying a big sunday feast..

So you're thinking, ok what's the point of this post? Glad you asked.

I've been tracking my cals/macros for quite some time now. Yes, both. They are both important.

Some say macros are all that matters, some say total calories is the only thing that matters. On and on it goes.

Back to my point.

Tracking. Even though I am pretty good at eye-balling meals and keeping tabs on what I'm eating, I still like to have a better idea, ESPECIALLY if I am attempting to build size or drop some fat.

Can you get by without tracking and make progress? Yes. Great progress? Maybe.

But why not utilize a great strategy that's really not that hard or time-consuming?

So if you have never tracked your meals or if it's been awhile since you have, and you aren't making the gains in muscle or the losses of fat, that you'd like..then try it.

Even if it's only for a month. I bet you will be surprised what you learn.

And if you learn something valuable and decide you don't want to track anymore, that's fine. It will be worth it.

How do you track?

You can use an app or do it on your phone or go old-school and do it with pen and paper. I have done all three. Right now I prefer using the notes in my phone.

I'm cutting fat right now so it helps me to know for my last meal I need to get in a certain amount of protein and carbs or whatever. 

If you can prepare many meals for the week and you know exactly what you will eat and how many times a day and at what times, that's great! More power to you. I don't. My schedule doesn't allow for that and I imagine that's possibly the same for you.

When you track your macros for the day and attempt to get close to those numbers each day, you will be amazed at the progress you can make. And fast!

Good luck.

How Do You Get Motivated?

I'm fired up today. And I sure didn't wake up that way.

How do I get motivated? How do YOU get motivated? To train. To improve your fitness. To get stronger. To gain muscle, burn fat, get healthier, own your life, gain confidence, fill out a shirt, get better at a sport etc..

Regardless of what anyone else says, this is my opinion here. I believe that no one is 100% motivated at all times. And I also believe that motivation doesn't always have to come from within like some hardcore fitness gurus may say.


And I'll make this quick, because it's a blog not a novel and we all have like 5 seconds to spare so here we go.

Today I was exhausted. Spent. Almost hit the snooze this am. I never do that.

Fighting off some kind of sinus/allergy crap and it's annoying the heck out of me. Putting a drain on my energy. I can go on and on all the reasons why but here's what I did. The action.

I said I'm going to the gym to just do one exercise. Just 1. Then I'll sit in the sauna and sweat for a half hour. So that's what I set out to do.

Packed my gym bag, went to do my 1 exercise. It wasn't even going to be a really tough one. Just rear delts. But like almost every single time I play this mental trick on myself, once I get there, get going, warm up, feel some blood moving in the body, a bit of sweat, heart rate goes up.. then on to the next exercise... few reps, some sets later.. on to the next.. and then I'm revved up with some music that gets me going.

I had some old school Black Sabbath come on. Boom, I started hitting up the dips with bodyweight for high reps. Feeling awesome. Still tired yes. Same body. Yes. Same mind. But I found a way that worked FOR ME.

And that's the answer.

Find whatever will get the job done for you. Today. This moment. OR whenever you go work out. Find it. It's out there. Or in there. Either way.

Maybe you need to get stronger for your family.

Maybe you have a wedding coming up and need to look better.

Whatever it is. Just do one exercise. Just do cardio. Just walk.. etc.. start. And you will be surprised how much just getting moving will do for you.

Motivation is not some magical thing that only the select few possess and they have it all the time. Everyone has to find ways to get up early. To go to work and stay late and still go to the gym afterwards when all they want to do is go lay on the couch and eat chips and dip.

Find a way. Outside. Or inside.